To The Ship, To The Ship, Brother, She Sails, She Sails!
Frontispiece of “The Ship of Fools” (Sebastian Brant, 1494, Basel, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer)
Frontispiece of “The Ship of Fools” (Sebastian Brant, 1494, Basel, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer)
Welcome On Board !
Due to the large number of activities, there is often room on board for volunteers or fellow artists
Contact Humor&Vida

I just received a ‘wave of interest’ from you on FindaCrew. I forgot to send my email address when I responded so I am hoping that this email finds it way to you.
I am really interested in sailing with you – more than interested…. I would love to! It would be a dream come true.
I am currently in Lagos, trying to get a hitch to the Canary Islands by sail but it is proving a challenge but I will persist!
Maybe you could tell me a little more about what you need and how I can help.
I hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,
* Tauri
I am writing to you once again, for I am unable to get The Festival of Fools from my mind and I wanted to emphasis how much I would love to come aboard and contribute.
I am currently in Lagos busking my poems and I would relish the opportunity to work with others creatively.
I also have a beautiful friend called Rose who is a musician of magic – she too would be a glorious shipmate.
Well, I hope to hear from you soon.
Warm Wishes and much love,
* Tauri
ohlala! I hear 1st time about the ship of fools some time ago when your where in Amsterdam, I couldn’t make it to the show but I check u online and I said “they are doing what I would like to do the rest of my life or at least some part of it”. Back then I had the intention of getting a sailing boat, preferable for free… I didn´t do to much about this… and some month ago I realize that it will take me long time to go to buenos aires and I would like to go there now or at least start the way now…so now now is not because I have other nice things to do here in Amsterdam till end october…but mid november I will make it to gran canaria to try to hitch a boat to the other side…now is when you enter in scene, the same friend that introduce u to me send me a link where I found that you are going to buenos aires 😉 I would love to join this boat 😉 in any case I will bring the wig and my ballerina suit to canary…what Im not planing to bring is the laptop and Im good editing video nd photos, I regularly do visuals with bands nd dj nd dancers, I have one beamer quite home stile but also Im not planing to bring it to hitch a boat… if you take me on the boat I will bring the laptop, the beamer and some pindakaas if u want… un saludo y buen viento 😉 sofia
Hey!!! my name is eva, i’m 35 and i’m live in barcelona. I see in “the find a crew” you project and i’m read if you need some crew….
I’m like your project and i’m thing i can give some help in you travel. I’m a product designer, carpenter, little seamstress, and much more!!!
I’m worked for a long time in audiovisual production, and collaborated in a artistic projects with a scuptor….
maybe i can help you?
please say my something!!!
thank’s and good travel!!
Hi! My name is Miguel, I´m from Andalucía (Spain) and 32 years old. I´m currently in Gran Canaria looking for a boat to cross the Atlantic. For a long time I do juggling, stilts, unicycle but never professionally, something I have wanted. My idea is to travel through Latin America without direction or time, and to do a clown show to take it to remote villages. Now I am starting in these crazy things because it is something that I have wanted to do for a long time, and through a friend I have discovered your project and know that you are in Cape Verde. I would love to meet you and participate with you, as I have fallen in love with the project. As I arrive?, I do not know, by boat, plane, swimming, in a duckling float … but it would come jejeje
A hug!
Hi! Its Miguel again. I forget yesterday to tell you I’m maintenance technician, and then I also im ecxperiened in electricis, plumbing, cold rooms, mechanics and I can help in many diferents things.
A hug!
Hi, Im Elsa, spanish illustrator and fashion designer, based in Brsitol UK. Im really interested in this boat trip. Please I really would like to know more information about it and kind to send some more extra info by email, like cover letter, cv or portfolios. Thanks. Regards.
Ages ago I was there with you in Amsterdamm…just a week though. Any hand needed?
Anyway, Best to you!