“The Ship of Fools” (Sebastian Brant, 1494, Basel, Frontispiece, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer)
August DIRKS
August Dirks (Holland) finished in 1989 his studies Russian Language and Literature at the University of Amsterdam. Still studying, he engaged, in 1986, a lot of his fellow students to open an Amsterdam/Moscow cultural exchange office that brought dozens of Russian artists to Amsterdam and vice versa. In 1989 he started “The Opera Ship” that brought an opera to Holland and Germany. In 1992 he founded “The Ship of Fools”, the sailing music-theatre in which he became a professional captain after years of sailing and a professional actor through more then 800 performances.
My professional theatre career began with my graduation at the Russian Academy of Theatre “GITIS” in Moscow (1990) while joining the Tanganka Theatre for drama and comedy. At that time Taganka was a high level theatre with a global reputation, led by Yuri Lyubimov. Talented, young professionals got access to the most original and unexpected material and played with rich, surprising and daring fantasies, pursuing maximum integrity. The high aesthetic demands, the breadth and depth of the theatrical concepts – and their brightness – managed to captivate and to rejoice huge audiences.
These ten years of Tanganka, with prominent Russian directors like Efros or Vasiliev and with the great plays of a Tovstonogov, Gonsjarov, Brooke etc. formed, along with the GITIS Academy, my apprenticeship as an actor and director. For me, theatre is a journey through the soul, a unique opportunity to understand others and to tell them what I see and feel. For me, theatre is not just an aesthetic pleasure, but also, through the dialogue with the public, a significant influence on the zeitgeist. Therefore I select material for performances that is new and immaculate. For me, what counts is the seriousness and depth of the theme, the dramaturgical possibilities, the image, the atmosphere and the passionate commitment of the actors/characters.
Theatre should be a dialogue between the stage and auditorium. Most importantly, the performance leads to a real, deep-human communication. This requires sincerity of the actors. The theatre technique with which I want to captivate the audiences is based on ‘methods of physical action’, the ‘magic what / if’ of Stanislavski, the ‘fantastic realism’ of Vachtangov and the ‘epic theatre’ of Brecht. I want to speak with the adience about what is love, understanding, goodness and light, about happiness and what lives in man himself.
In 1993 I moved to Amsterdam and got involved in several theatre projects including “The Government Inspector” of the National Theatre. I played in over 30 film and television productions, such as “The Secret Service”, “West Wind”, “Waltz”, “Kayzer en de Boer Lawyer Association”, “Deadline “and” Football Women “. I also acted in feature films like “The Trip of Teetje”, “Two Eyes from Lemberg” or “Dushka” of Jos Stelling. As a singer / narrator I participated in a wide variety of musical projects, acting both in the Amsterdam Concert Hall as well as in jazz venues. Leonid continues to work as a voice actor and writes and sings his own songs.
Indiana BALLAN

Ángel Hernández got his degree of audiovisuals at the Ramón y Cajal Institute of Murcia, Spain. A southern Spanish sunstroke made him conscious about the importance of making social cinema and to share his art to advance a hypothetical day when the world will be for everyone of us. In 2014 he won the first prize in the ‘Creajoven Film Festival’ in his birth town Murcia with his short documentary “The Bottled Desert” about social exclusion and poverty.
The Cronicler of the Fools’ Comic Log Book
Stylist and Costume Designer
Born in a international artistic commune in Italy. Studied in Visual Anthropology in Bologna (Italy) in 2005,she graduated doing the final dissertation in Kathmandu-Nepal with a research about ethnic costumes and dances of primitive Buddhism. She worked like costume designer for movies, theatre, with drag queens and photographers. She still believe in unicorns, love and Ship of fools. See some works
Lavinia , the younger sister of Rincen, is a young fashion designer. After a course of pattern and cutting in Italy she moved to London in 2011 where she managed an artist studio in the east London. She is about to get a fashion and textile degree at Ravensbourne in London. She is a ship’s lover for she lived for a while on the Regent’s canal before moving into the Peanut Factory Studios where she organizes events of every type of crazy and original artistic projects.
Assistant director and production
Dedicada profesionalmente al mundo del teatro. Estudia en Máscara Teatro Escuela (Valencia) y amplia sus conocimientos en Teatro Físico (Odin Teatret y Mario Ruggeri), Meyerhold y Chéjov (Roberto Romei), Clown (Julie Goell y Sandro Pichianti), Teatro Musical (Eduard Navarro), Análisis de texto (Amalia Ferré), Commedia de’ll Arte (Jose Luis Serrano), Teatro Sensorial (Adolfo Simón), Improvisación (J.L.Adserías), Bufón (Patrick Rabier), además de danza contemporánea, canto , violín, música, entre otros.. Se profesionaliza con sus espectáculos unipersonales como “La mujer sola“ (Darío Fo y Franca Rame), Circus of dreams”(interdiciplinar), “Materiau Medée” (H.Mûller), “Hipólito o la mirada de Hipólito” (Ritsos, Enquist, Morcillo).Afincada en Barcelona ente 2000-2006 trabaja como actriz en Teatro LLantiol, con “Circus of dreams,”y Teatreneu, con Planeta Impro, de Barcelona. Viaja con sus espectáculos por toda Europa, Argentina y México. Desde 2006 forma parte de Ship of fools, dónde ha realizado una docena de espectáculos en los que ha trabajado como actriz, directora y ayudante de dirección.Combina su profesión de actriz y directora con la de profesora de teatro, especializada en Teatro Físico. En Marzo 2011 recibe el Premio Mujer del Mes de Marzo (Onda-Castellón) por su trayectoria profesional. En 2012 recibe el Premio a la Mejor Interpretación en CENIT (Sevilla). Ha representado en 2014 “Orquesta de señoritas” (J.Anouilh) en Teatro Pabellón 6 de Bilbao, dirigida por Ramón Barea (Premio Nacional de Teatro 2013)
Trésorière, Vice-Présidente de l’Association la Nef des Fous
Amsterdam office
Krien Jozeph has been a musical and intellectual supporter to the Azart Ship of Fools for over 10 years. Organizing theatrical parties on the ship and co producing plays and excursions. Krien Jozeph’s choice of music is marked by a meditative style, which hypnotises the audience through repetitive sounds. In his ambient set he uses pulse-based minimal structures, taking music to a bare and basic level. Exploring micro-beats and spherical chords that can easily develop into classical pieces or intricate vocal experiments. For the dance floor the same structures are used; maintaining a minimal character, yet with an uplifting development into dub and techno based rhythms. Researching future electronic dance music. His sets on the ship are often fuelled with theatrical song and dance dimensions. A strong believer of the ideology hidden in the “world up side down”, Krien currently works together with the boat on a future journey that will take them as far as the Sydney harbour and beyond!
Actriz y cantante, ha participado en diversos montajes teatrales con las compañías de teatro Topo, Akusa, Bederen Bat, Ados Teatroa, Menage à trois y Glu Glu Producciones, así como en espectáculos de café-teatro. Es la “reina” del cortometraje, donde es habitual verle en todo tipo de registros. Ha recibido varios premios a la mejor interpretación. Suyo es el personaje de La Lechera en Visionarios de Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón. En televisión, interviene en series como Benta- Berri, Teilatupean, Begira-Begira y Esto no es serio. Últimamente ha estado más dedicada a otra afición más íntima y solitaria: la escritura de guiónes para cortometrajes y varias obras de teatro. Actualmente desarrolla su actividad artística en el ámbito musical como cantante de Bossa Nova con el guitarrista Iosu Zapata, y de Jazz y blues con la Big Band de de la escuela de música de Donostia.

Jean-Christophe PETIT

Angevine d’origine, fondue d’impro. Théâtrale, elle y côtoie les grands noms de la discipline, de Paris à Montréal. Elle s’initie au théâtre de rue au sein de la Cie Génèrik Vapeur et joue des Aygalades à Torino. Elle participe à la mise en scène d’odeur jusqu’aux Emirats… Elle en profite pour réaliser des performances avec des plasticiens de la Friche Marseillaise. Elle joue dans une pièce de Feydeau ou encore dans une adaptation de F.Arrabal. Elle découvre la Commedia dell. Arte avec Carlo Boso et collabore à la création d’une Cie « les sans tréteaux »…
Elle explore le monde du clown et des Bouffons.Et, danse et chante en Automne.
Pour Noêl, elle met en scène un spectacle jeune public…Et pour Pâques,elle explore la discipline du Sound painting. Elle participe activement à la formation de nouveaux improvisateurs d’Athènes à Caracas … via l’Estaque plage. Mais s’arrête chaque été, pour s’investir dans l’organisation du festival international de cinéma expérimental de Marseille.
Elle pratique le yoga, le tai chi, le reiki, la moto,la voile,le djembé,elle aime le voyage, la gastronomie… l’art en tout genre. .

Instrumentalist, composer Winner All Sovet Oboe Concours 1988,
Winner Duet Ibla Ragusa Concours 1998.
Merited Artist of the Russian Federation 2001. (Tour 1994-2003)
Member of the TRIO SONATA, Saratov

Wolgograd, Russia.
Saratov Conservatory.
Winner Duet Ibla-Ragusa Concours 1998.
Pianist. (Tour 1995-2003)
Member of the TRIO SONATA, Saratov

Juznij-Sachalinsk, Russia
Saratov Conservatory.
Cellist. (Tour 1995-2003)
Member of the TRIO SONATA, Saratov