“The Ship of Fools” (Sebastian Brant, 1494, Basel, Frontispiece, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer)

August DIRKS

August Dirks (Holland) finished in 1989 his studies Russian Language and Literature at the University of Amsterdam. Still studying, he engaged, in 1986, a lot of his fellow students to open an Amsterdam/Moscow cultural exchange office that brought dozens of Russian artists to Amsterdam and vice versa. In 1989 he started “The Opera Ship” that brought an opera to Holland and Germany. In 1992 he founded “The Ship of Fools”, the sailing music-theatre in which he became a professional captain after years of sailing and a professional actor through more then 800 performances.

Machine Master: Frédéric Vellen

My professional theatre career began with my graduation at the Russian Academy of Theatre “GITIS” in Moscow (1990) while joining the Tanganka Theatre for drama and comedy. At that time Taganka was a high level theatre with a global reputation, led by Yuri Lyubimov. Talented, young professionals got access to the most original and unexpected material and played with rich, surprising and daring fantasies, pursuing maximum integrity. The high aesthetic demands, the breadth and depth of the theatrical concepts – and their brightness – managed to captivate and to rejoice huge audiences.
These ten years of Tanganka, with prominent Russian directors like Efros or Vasiliev and with the great plays of a Tovstonogov, Gonsjarov, Brooke etc. formed, along with the GITIS Academy, my apprenticeship as an actor and director. For me, theatre is a journey through the soul, a unique opportunity to understand others and to tell them what I see and feel. For me, theatre is not just an aesthetic pleasure, but also, through the dialogue with the public, a significant influence on the zeitgeist. Therefore I select material for performances that is new and immaculate. For me, what counts is the seriousness and depth of the theme, the dramaturgical possibilities, the image, the atmosphere and the passionate commitment of the actors/characters.

Theatre should be a dialogue between the stage and auditorium. Most importantly, the performance leads to a real, deep-human communication. This requires sincerity of the actors. The theatre technique with which I want to captivate the audiences is based on ‘methods of physical action’, the ‘magic what / if’ of Stanislavski, the ‘fantastic realism’ of Vachtangov and the ‘epic theatre’ of Brecht. I want to speak with the adience about what is love, understanding, goodness and light, about happiness and what lives in man himself.
In 1993 I moved to Amsterdam and got involved in several theatre projects including “The Government Inspector” of the National Theatre. I played in over 30 film and television productions, such as “The Secret Service”, “West Wind”, “Waltz”, “Kayzer en de Boer Lawyer Association”, “Deadline “and” Football Women “. I also acted in feature films like “The Trip of Teetje”, “Two Eyes from Lemberg” or “Dushka” of Jos Stelling. As a singer / narrator I participated in a wide variety of musical projects, acting both in the Amsterdam Concert Hall as well as in jazz venues. Leonid continues to work as a voice actor and writes and sings his own songs.

Indiana BALLAN

See site
See Démo

Sarah VINK
Sound Master: Gaspar Lucász Esquep

Ángel Hernández got his degree of audiovisuals at the Ramón y Cajal Institute of Murcia, Spain. A southern Spanish sunstroke made him conscious about the importance of making social cinema and to share his art to advance a hypothetical day when the world will be for everyone of us. In 2014 he won the first prize in the ‘Creajoven Film Festival’ in his birth town Murcia with his short documentary “The Bottled Desert” about social exclusion and poverty.


The Cronicler of the Fools’ Comic Log Book

See: elzazimut.blogspot.com

Stylist and Costume Designer
Born in a international artistic commune in Italy. Studied in Visual Anthropology in Bologna (Italy) in 2005,she graduated doing the final dissertation in Kathmandu-Nepal with a research about ethnic costumes and dances of primitive Buddhism. She worked like costume designer for movies, theatre, with drag queens and photographers. She still believe in unicorns, love and Ship of fools. See some works

Lavinia , the younger sister of Rincen, is a young fashion designer. After a course of pattern and cutting in Italy she moved to London in 2011 where she managed an artist studio in the east London. She is about to get a fashion and textile degree at Ravensbourne in London. She is a ship’s lover for she lived for a while on the Regent’s canal before moving into the Peanut Factory Studios where she organizes events of every type of crazy and original artistic projects.


Assistant director and production

Dedicada profesionalmente al mundo del teatro. Estudia en Máscara Teatro Escuela (Valencia) y amplia sus conocimientos en Teatro Físico (Odin Teatret y Mario Ruggeri), Meyerhold y Chéjov (Roberto Romei), Clown (Julie Goell y Sandro Pichianti), Teatro Musical (Eduard Navarro), Análisis de texto (Amalia Ferré), Commedia de’ll Arte (Jose Luis Serrano), Teatro Sensorial (Adolfo Simón), Improvisación (J.L.Adserías), Bufón (Patrick Rabier), además de danza contemporánea, canto , violín,  música, entre otros.. Se profesionaliza con sus espectáculos unipersonales como  “La mujer sola“ (Darío Fo y Franca Rame), Circus of dreams”(interdiciplinar), “Materiau Medée” (H.Mûller), “Hipólito o la mirada de Hipólito” (Ritsos, Enquist, Morcillo).Afincada en Barcelona ente 2000-2006 trabaja como actriz en Teatro LLantiol, con “Circus of dreams,”y Teatreneu, con Planeta Impro, de Barcelona. Viaja con sus espectáculos por toda Europa, Argentina y México. Desde 2006 forma parte de Ship of fools, dónde ha realizado una docena de espectáculos en los que ha trabajado como actriz, directora y ayudante de dirección.Combina su profesión de actriz y directora con la de profesora de teatro, especializada en Teatro Físico. En Marzo 2011 recibe el Premio Mujer del Mes de Marzo (Onda-Castellón) por su trayectoria profesional. En 2012 recibe el Premio a la Mejor Interpretación en CENIT (Sevilla). Ha representado en 2014 “Orquesta de señoritas” (J.Anouilh) en Teatro Pabellón 6 de Bilbao, dirigida por Ramón Barea (Premio Nacional de Teatro 2013)


Trésorière, Vice-Présidente de l’Association la Nef des Fous


Amsterdam office

Krien Jozeph has been a musical and intellectual supporter to the Azart Ship of Fools for over 10 years. Organizing theatrical parties on the ship and co producing plays and excursions. Krien Jozeph’s choice of music is marked by a meditative style, which hypnotises the audience through repetitive sounds. In his ambient set he uses pulse-based minimal structures, taking music to a bare and basic level. Exploring micro-beats and spherical chords that can easily develop into classical pieces or intricate vocal experiments. For the dance floor the same structures are used; maintaining a minimal character, yet with an uplifting development into dub and techno based rhythms. Researching future electronic dance music. His sets on the ship are often fuelled with theatrical song and dance dimensions. A strong believer of the ideology hidden in the “world up side down”, Krien currently works together with the boat on a future journey that will take them as far as the Sydney harbour and beyond!

CREW 1992-2015






Actriz y cantante, ha participado en diversos montajes teatrales con las compañías de teatro Topo, Akusa, Bederen Bat, Ados Teatroa, Menage à trois y Glu Glu Producciones, así como en espectáculos de café-teatro. Es la “reina” del cortometraje, donde es habitual verle en todo tipo de registros. Ha recibido varios premios a la mejor interpretación. Suyo es el personaje de La Lechera en Visionarios de Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón. En televisión, interviene en series como Benta- Berri, Teilatupean, Begira-Begira y Esto no es serio. Últimamente ha estado más dedicada a otra afición más íntima y solitaria: la escritura de guiónes para cortometrajes y varias obras de teatro. Actualmente desarrolla su actividad artística en el ámbito musical como cantante de Bossa Nova con el guitarrista Iosu Zapata, y de Jazz y blues con la Big Band de de la escuela de música de Donostia.


Estudiante de Artes Escénicas. Monitor de apoyo, programación y planificación de actividades lúdico-educativas y dinamización de grupos (Asociación Ostargi Donostia). Monitor de colonias abiertas, programación y planificación de actividades lúdico-educativas y dinamización de grupos (X.L. Creaciones musicales S.L. Zarautz, Zumaia, Donostia). Entrenador de extraescolares, diferentes actividades deportivas (Lizardi Institutua, Zarautz). Ha actuado como Endika en “Goendale”, el programa mas polular de la Television Vasca. Miembro del grupo Alproja Antzerki Taldea. Cocinero.
He is born in Padua, Italy, in 1982. He has a degree in Communication Studies (Padova University) and a diploma in Acting at the National Film School of Rome. Between 2002 and 2012 he works as actor and performer, director, editor and dubbing speaker in many theatre and video productions. He was directed by Luca Ronconi, Sergio Basso, Claudia Della Seta, Ze’ev Kelaty. He studied in many workshops of theatre, dance and expression with Maria Consagra, Mario Gonzalez, Virginia Imaz. He likes also writing and during these years has written many plays and monologues. He has collaborated as communication officer with an Italian NGO in Zambia during 2012. He also worked in schools and libraries as educator and animator.He is the president of the Artisti a Progetto Association.

Actor cubano Licenciado en Artes Escénicas en el Instituto Superior de Arte de la Habana en 1985. Cuenta con una amplia trayectoria profesional, trabajando en más de veinte obras en los grupos de teatro “Rita Montaner” y “Teatro Estudio” de Cuba, participa en Talleres y Festivales Internacionales de Teatro de La Habana entre los años 1983 y 1987. Realiza cursos en San Sebastian, uno de interpretación  impartido por John Strassberg en 1990 y otro de doblaje en el CEPAV ( Centro de Estudios y Perfeccionamiento Audiovisual) entre 1993 y 1994. Trabajó como asistente de dirección en la obra “Frank V” con Acusa Producciones Teatrales de Donostia. Ha trabajado en los largometrajes “Como Nosotros” y “Ecos” en 1986, en series de televisión “El Pequeño Sabio” y “Día y Noche”, en cortometrajes “El Comandante Pinares”, “Pablo y Elisa”, “Las Plazas del Amor”, “El Diablo y su Hermana” entre otros en la década de los 80. De vuelta a los escenarios formó parte del elenco de “Maldito Parné” dirigida por el irunes Patxi Pérez y producida GLU GLU. En 2011 trabaja en la obra “Los Perfectos, un mundo sin límites”como actor y asistente de dirección, a las ordenes del dramaturgo y director argentino Angel Mario Fernández con el grupo teatral “Los Rotos” del cual es miembro. En octubre de 2012 estrena en Soraluce la obra “Amor en Tiempos del Corralito”, compaginando el trabajo de actor con su debut en la dirección teatral. En la actualidad se encuentra inmerso en la edición del documental “TRES CUBANO” que acaba de grabar en Cuba, así como en otros proyectos teatrales.
Gorka Zubeldia
Nació el 8 de Agosto de 1979 en Beasain, Gipuzkoa.
Con clara inclinación al teatro, se traslada a Madrid para formarse en el Laboratorio de teatro William Layton. Debuta profesionalmente en series de televisión como Periodistas, Goenkale, trabaja en TV movies a las órdenes de Eva Lesmes, SóniaSanchez, colabora en cortometrajes con, Asier Altuna, Javi Alonso, Iñigo Lopez… En teatro ha trabajado en varias compañías , Vaivén, Contrapunto, Teatro Español, participando en los festivales de Almagro, Mérida … y siendo compañía invitada  de la Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico. Participa también en series como Código Fuego, Hospital Central, Que vida mas triste o Ciudad K. En cine a trabajado en varios proyectos con Karlos Alastruey, Telmo Esnal, siendo este 12+1, una comedia metafísica de ChiquiCaravante su primer protagonista.
Actriz, creadora y performer. Formada en TAE de Donostia y LISPA de Londres (Lecoq). Recibe extensa formación en clown y danza contemporánea, además de dirección artística, música, performance, contact, técnicas circenses, etc. Trabaja con Dejabu Panpin Laborategia (“Gure Bide Galduak”? Premio Donostia 2011), Kukubiltxo, Théâtre du Rivage y Ohiulari Klown. Crea “Espazio Hutsak” con Higa Antzerkia, compañía de la que es co-fundadora. Junto con Izaskun Lapaza crea la pieza de danza-performance “Ageri”. Actúa en las producciones cinematográficas “Remote” de SJ. Ramir, e “Izarren Argia”. Imparte clases de teatro infantil y para adultos, además de llevar a cabo un taller de teatro en el Pabellón de Mujeres de Martutene. Actualmente forma parte de GIZAT, donde trabaja el Teatro del Oprimido.
 1990ko Abenduaren 16an jaio zen eta gaur egun Getarian bizi da. Azken bost urteetan psikologia ikasi du. Antzerki munduan sartu berria da eta  Donostiako Arte Eszenikoen Tailerrean burutzen ditu ikasketak (2.maila). 2010ean Florentziako antzerki akademiak prestatutako lan batean hartu zuen parte, Galileo Galilei sari banaketan aurkeztu zena. 2012ko ekainean, “Ultramarinos” antzerki taldearekin “Neverland” antzezlana estrenatu zuen . Zoroen itsasontzia ezagutu berri du.
Trintxerpeko Antzerki eskolan eta Ginebrako Serge Martin Antzerki eskolan (Lecoq) ikasketak burutu zituen aktore euskaldun honek. Antzerki ekoizpen ugarietan lana egin du Txalo produkzioak, Orain Konpainia eta Arteszena antzerki ekoiztetxeekin. Nabarmentzekoa da “La Ratonera” antzezlanean egindako lana Ramón Barearen zuzendaritzapean, “Aquí un amigo” Jaime Blanchen zuzendaritzapean eta “La cacatúa verde” Mario Gas-en zuzendaritzarekin. Telebistarako beste hainbat produkzioetan ere hartu du parte, “Euskolegas” (Pausoka) edo “La Tira” (Globomedia) adibidez. 2010. urtean berak sortu eta ekoiztutako “Permín Mañifi kue” ikuskizuna estreinatu zuen, mimo, clown eta zirkoan oinarritutako antzerki lana delarik. Iaz Zoroen Itsasontzian “La Cabeza del Dragón” (Valle-Inclán) obra estreinatu zuen Azart Konpainiarekin, eta ordu ezkeroztik konpaina honeki kolaboratzen du.
Callirhou RAOUZEOU
 Callirhoe Raouzeou was born in Athens, Greece. She has studied music (singing, piano, composition) at the Music  Department of the Ionian University, at the National  Conservatory of Greece and acting at the Drama School of  Athens. She has attended musical seminars during her studies  in  the Ionian University (Musical singing, Jazz singing, Free  Improvisation). Callirhoe has a working experience as a singer  and pianist in several places in Greece and in foreign countries,  in concerts supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture. She has  performed with the Free Improvisation Ensemble of the Ionian,  with the jazz quintet Hot Club de Grece and with several music  groups. In discography, she participated, as a singer, in the
 music albums of Core Ydro An Ola Teleiwnan Edw, Kostantinos  Katomeris Etherovamon, Raoul Scacchi Emails to Emily and  Neuromantics. Callirhoe has been working as a composer and  actor with the Ionian University Theatre Club, the Theater of the  Ionian, the Corfiot Theatre and with the actors and directors  Petros Avgerinos, Panos Papaioannou, Katia Gerou. She has  composed music for the plays Ames Soeurs (Enzo Corman), The  Great Pantomima (Dario Fo), Sourealeros, Midsummer night’s dream (William Shakespeare) Lynga’s hour (Per Olov Enckvist), Bacchai (Euripides), Fitites (Gr. Xenopoulos). www.myspace.com/kaliroe

  Tristan BRETON. Metteur en scène

Jean-Christophe PETIT

Acteur, comédien, performer, metteur en scène

  Valerie CARTIER 

 Valerie was formed at the Art High School of Marseille  after which she did stages of video and sound montage.  She’s art designer, film maker and street theatre actor.  From 2003 till 2009 she worked with the French theatre  group ILOTOPIE. As a plasticienne  she had individual  exhibitions in Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and  Budapest. She had collective exhibitions in Pecs  (Hungary), Marseille, Thessalonica (Greece), Valparaiso  (Chili), Luxembourg, Aix-en-Provence, Rumania and  several other places in Hungary. Her videography  contains a dozen short movies, made
between 1995 and  2009.
Audrey VECCO
She started studied philosophy in Aix en Provence then she left France to travel in England and in Italy where she started studing drama. When she came back in France after 10 years away she decided to dedicate herself full time to theater. Then she studied Commedia dell’arte, modern and classic theater, performing, singing, and  cello in Marseille. She’s also an impro player. She’s now in a perpetual research of an artistic expression of herself trying to find a universe wich will be in perfect harmony with what she really is. The “Ship of fools” is a part of it.
  Valéry MINUCCI
             Tova GLEYSSES


(dit Reno Ars)
Né en Provence en 1960, Reno Ars est un créateur multisensoriel. Peintre, cinéaste et acteur de sa propre vie, il développe également depuis plus de 15 ans la dimension olfactive du spectacle vivant. Il a travaillé avec plusieurs compagnies de théâtre de rue (Générik Vapeur, Illustre Famille Burratini,  Cie. Off,  Ici Même). Réalisateur de documentaires, metteur en scène et scénographe, il diffuse une culture des sens avec des performances comme le Bar à Odeurs. Pour fêter sa rencontre avec the Ship of Fools, il signe à l’automne 2011 le nouveau costume du navire.
Saxophone alto. Fille de musicien, elle a commencé à jouer de plusieurs instruments avant de choisir le saxophone. Elle a étudié avec Liba Villavecchia et Peter Delfinicsh à Barcelone et avec Paul Stocker à Grenade. Elle obtient son diplôme de professeur de musique de l’Université Autonome de Barcelone. Elle pratique divers styles de musiques contemporaines (blues, jazz, big band, funk, soul, lowrock et hip-hop).
Elle a fait partie de groupes comme  Dubidubi Band, Raval’s Band, Animales Sueltos, Marxing Band de Vilanova,Butifunk, Matawns Blues
Band et R.O.U.T. Lola milite pour la musique de rue en tant qu‘expression artistique libre, s’inspirant du bonheur des personnes.
Paul Stouthamer is a jazz ‘cellist. He regularly performs in Spain and in Holland and has toured throughout Europe and the USA. Some of the musicians he has had the honour to play with are: Alfredo Flores, Jonannes Ammon, Frans Vermeersen, Eugeni Gil, Geert Krosenbrink, Aljosa Mutic, Arend Niks, Bill Parker, Paul Stocker, David Mitchell, Anna Ruggiero, Oren Marshall, Eric Vloeimans, Terrence Butler, Agustí Fernandez, Mauricio and Liba Villavecchia, Willem Breuker, Ineke Vandoorn, Marc van Vucht, Maurice Horsthuis, Julian Vaughan, Perico Sambeat, Chris Kase, Jo Krause, Albert Bover, Chicuelo and Ginessa Ortega. As a composer Stouthamer has premiered works at the Doelen (Rotterdam), the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), the Amsterdamse Cello Biënnale and the Amersfoort Cathedral. His comissions have proceeded from, among others: Griftheater, the Kreisler String Orchestra, the Ricciotti Ensemble and the Amersfoort Jeugd Orkest.
Rosalin DE WIDT
(Holland) Accordion, piano, singer
(Tour 2005-2010)
 Andras HADJU
Andras was formed at the Art Faculty of the University in Pecs, Hungary as portraitist and teacher. He did a post-diploma at the Friche La Belle-de-Mai in Marseille. He hade individual exhibitions in Marseille and Budapest and collective exhibitions Budapest,Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and Valparaiso, Chili. He is an director of experimental theatre and did shows Hungary,France  Chili and Morocco. He worked from 2003 till 2009 with the French theatre group ILOTOPIE.
 Karin PAPIN

Angevine d’origine, fondue d’impro. Théâtrale, elle y côtoie les grands noms de la discipline, de Paris à Montréal. Elle s’initie au théâtre de rue au sein de la Cie Génèrik Vapeur et joue des Aygalades à Torino. Elle participe à la mise en scène d’odeur jusqu’aux Emirats… Elle en profite pour réaliser des performances avec des plasticiens de la Friche Marseillaise. Elle joue dans une pièce de Feydeau ou encore dans une adaptation de F.Arrabal. Elle découvre la Commedia dell. Arte avec Carlo Boso et collabore à la création d’une Cie « les sans tréteaux »…

Elle explore le monde du clown et des Bouffons.Et, danse et chante en Automne.

Pour Noêl, elle met en scène un spectacle jeune public…Et pour Pâques,elle explore la discipline du Sound painting. Elle participe activement à la formation de nouveaux improvisateurs d’Athènes à Caracas … via l’Estaque plage. Mais s’arrête chaque été, pour s’investir dans l’organisation du festival international de cinéma expérimental de Marseille.

Elle pratique le yoga, le tai chi, le reiki, la moto,la voile,le djembé,elle aime le voyage, la gastronomie… l’art en tout genre. .


Sébastien LABATE 
Amsterdam, Holland.
Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Art, Amsterdam.
Percussionist-surrealist, seawoman.
(Tour 1994-2003)
 Robbie BAARS
Robbie Baars (Zimbabwe) studied Fine Art at the ‘Michaelis School of Fine Art’ in Cape Town, South-Africa. He co-operated in anti-apartheid street theatre before concentrating on the handprinting and painting of fabric and the design and sewing of stage costume and fashion. He’s a founder member of the Azart Theatre Company. Together with Victor Barrientos was engaged as script writer, director and costume designer. He designs all the publications and posters. Seven hundred performances have proven him to be a professional actor. (Tour 1994-2009). He’s now engaged in the Amsterdam company Olifanttakeover
Victor Barrientos Ormazábal (Santiago de Chile) studied at the ‘Teatro Estudio Latinoamericano’ in Valparaiso (1990-1993). He was an actor in four theatre productions and did workshops of theatre costume design. He was art director in the nightclub/theatres “Teatro de Valparaiso” en “Valdivia”. From 1996 he became the director of the theatre companies ‘Teatro de las Indias’, ‘La Nave de los Locos’ and ‘Teatro Emocion. In 1998 he studied in Madrid 17th century costume design at the ‘Instituto de las Artes Escenicas’. At the end of that year he joined Azart. (Tour 1999-2009).  He’s now engaged in the Amsterdam company Olifanttakeover
  Saratov, Russia

Instrumentalist, composer   Winner All Sovet Oboe Concours 1988,

Winner Duet Ibla Ragusa Concours 1998.

Merited Artist of the Russian Federation 2001. (Tour 1994-2003)

Member of the TRIO SONATA, Saratov


Wolgograd, Russia.

Saratov Conservatory.

Winner Duet Ibla-Ragusa Concours 1998.

Pianist. (Tour 1995-2003)

Member of the TRIO SONATA, Saratov


Juznij-Sachalinsk, Russia

Saratov Conservatory.

Cellist. (Tour 1995-2003)

Member of the TRIO SONATA, Saratov

Carlos Concha studied at the “Club de Teatro” in Santiago de Chile and at the Academia Nacional de Arte Dramatico “Silvio D’Amico” in Rome. From 1989 to 1999 he worked simultanously for theatre and TV. He was nominated as ‘Best New Actor’ for his role in the soap opera “Amame” (Chile, 1993) and as ‘Best Actor’ for “Las Copas de la Ira” (Chile, 1999) that consequently has been performed in Kiel, Hamburg, Rome, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona. He was selected as ‘Best Actor’ in the international festivals “Santiago a Mil” (Santiago de Chile, 2003) and “Twin Cities” (Kiev, Ucrania, 2005) for his monodrama “Pastel de Choclo”. (Tour 2007-2008)
Irina Gallardo Baez (Chuquicamata, Chili) comes from a theatre dinasty and has participated from her eighth year in film- and theatre productions. In 1996 she was awarded top honours from the Escuela de Teatro Imagenes of Santiago de Chile for her three parts in Shakespearean Comedy of Errors. For three semesters she studied modern dance at the Escuela de Danza Espiral and attended pantomime workshops given by Maurice Celedon. For two years she was an actress in the Chilean street theatre group S.A. Irina joined Azart in 1999. (Tour 1999-2004)

Fran Núñez is the founder of Limiar Teatro and director of the same since
its birth. Licensed in Performing Arts at ESAD Galicia and Marketing at the University of Vigo, Master in Cultural Economy and Cultural Managing UVA and Master in Arts and Sciences of Spectacle UPV. At the same time, has participated in formative resorts in Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia and Italy. He has worked in different functions in both public or private companies in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Italy and France as can be standed out: Galician National Theatre, Teatro Español, Teatro de la Zarzuela (Liric Spanish National theater) , Teatro del Hereje, Centro Dramático Nacional (Spanish National theater), Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia, a Real Filharmonía de Galicia, Zancalino, Els Comediants, La fura dels Baus, Os Quinquilláns, Matarile, Los Goliardos ou The Ship of Fools. Currently, Núñez is the codirector of the Galician International Lusophone Theatre Festival in Gondomar. Had been Selected by Assitej to represent Spain at the young playwrightsEuropean event “Interplay Europe 2014 Austria”.
Erik Hendriks (Holland) studied audiovisual design and documentary at the Academy of Fine Arts in Breda. He’s a cartoonist, cameraman and editor and made a lot of short movies and experimental animation shorts. This tour he made a flashing debut as an actor. (Tour 2005-2007, 2009)
See Erik’s art work: www.erikhendriks.net
(Barcelona, Spain) Aerialist, actress.
Merce has a degree in Fine Arts from the Central University of Bacelona and studied documentary photography at the Gwent College of higher education of Wales. She did workshops of theatre and clown with Boris Rotenstein, Michael Dallaire, Pierre Pilate, Moshe Cohen, Vol Ras, Peter Gadish; dance with Andres Corchero, Rosa Muñoz, Hisako Horikawa and aerial with Jacky Williams from Roncalli. She has been part of theatre circus companies like “Zippo Circus”, “Circi Bidone” and “Desastrosus Cirkus” in Barcelona. (Tour 2005, 2006, 2009).
(Andorra) Composer, violin, accordion, piano, singer
(Tour 2006 -2008)
See: Fratelli La Strada
(Sicilia, Italia) Guitar, singer
(Tour 2006 -2008)
Member of the
Fratelli La Strada
See: Fratelli La Strada
 Ireneu Tranis is actor, clown and acrobat born in Barcelona. He has been in different circus companies like “Gamusinos” and “Traka Cirkus”. He has also been in theatre plays presented in different theatres in Catalunya. At present he studies at the Theatre Institute of Barcelona specialising in gestual and object theatre. (Tour 2007, 2008)
See: . http://www.ciacriaturas.blogspot.com
(Osorno, Chile) Guitar, singer, light-technician
(Tour 2006 – 2007)
(Valencia, Spain) Actor, Cabaretist.
Hector was expelled from the University of Valencia for forging his grades. He, then, enrolled in Latinamerican Studies in Middlesex University, London, under prestigious Chilean professor Salomon Meckled. After a prolific 10-year stint of free wandering and obnoxious thinking, he graduated in English and Spanish Philology in University of Barcelona (UB). His roaring (and often disturbing) poetry performances gladly took him to squatting places and obscure bookstores around Lisbon, Porto, Naples, Majorca, Madrid and again Barcelona and Valencia with so unfortunate shows as “New Dawning of Folkloric Activism” or “The Insomniac” (later compiled into a book). He did also translate into Spanish novels by Flann O’Brien and Alex Trocchi. (Tour 2006)
Director, Cinematographer
Apolinary de Sakowsky was born in Poland and studied cinematography in the Filmacademy of Lodz . Tomek  directed the movies ” Sisters “, ” Irina LaIoca ” and ” I’m not going anywhere “. He was the cinematographer of “Hansje Brinker ” , ” The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters ”  and ” Miedzy Nimi ”  Tour 2003- 2005)
See website
Comic actor, film actor,
ukelele, dancer,   singer,
presently living in Roma.
(Tour 1995-1997)


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